climber countryside cover creeper England english Great Britain green Hedera ivy lane natural nature peaceful quiet road rural smother spring Sussex tree bovine cattle cow free grass herd landscape longhorn nature reserve pasture roam Rural area wildlife anemone bank blossom flower forest primrose Primula verna verge wild wood autumn beech bend british colour copper direction Fagus fall gold leaf leaves route russet tawny travel trees uk Africa african black blue bump cape cloud clouds cloudy curve curved cyan dynamic gray grey HDR high hill image mound orange path pathway perspective photo photograph picture range red resource rock rocks scene scenic somadjinn south stock street tourism town white wind winding fence slope accident agatka child children fun intrude isolated lollipop play polish post roadsign roadsigns sign signs warning candy lolly Lollypop

search result for country road (209)

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2 1 grade account_circle Ivy-covered trees
2 1 grade account_circle Ivy-covered trees
0 1 grade account_circle Free roaming cattle
3 0 grade account_circle Roadside spring flowers
6 0 grade account_circle Autumn lane
9 0 grade account_circle Road Bump - HDR
7 1 grade account_circle Autumn lane
10 0 grade account_circle Agatka sign
16 0 grade account_circle Agatka sign
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